
2013年1月31日,最高人民法院发布第四批指导性案例。这是最高人民法院通过发布指导性案例加强审判工作指导的有力举措,对于统一法律适用,促进公开公正司法,提升司法公信具有重要作用。 More>>    

Zhejiang Talent Television has been successfully listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange

IPO by a Chinese business partner lawyer Huang table, Zhou Yan, Zhang burning, Zhou Yumei contractor Zhejiang Tak TV Inc. and GEM (IPO) project on December 31, 2014 passed the China Securities Regulatory Commission made the trial audit Committee, and successfully listed on 17 February 2015 at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Involved in the project as well as the tour of the Winco, Huang Xiao Rui, Fu Su, Zhu Lu Ni, Hua Yanling, Bo and other lawyers. More>>    

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